Friday, December 11, 2009

IVMP Newsletter Summer 2009

This summer edition of the IVMP newsletter is now available.

This edition explores the successes of the recent visit by collaborating Research Scientist Travis Gannon, from North Carolina State University. Thanks to strong partnerships with researchers from North Carolina State University (NCSU) and significant levels of funding allocated for research and development, North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) has implemented innovative roadside vegetation strategies that have not only saved millions of dollars but also significantly improved the safety levels for road users and those who maintain these road networks.

Australia can learn a lot from the efforts of NCDOT in the management of roadside vegetation. As the cost of maintaining road networks continues to increase, funding for roadside vegetation management is under increasing pressure.
A number of the innovative practices and vegetation management methodologies developed by NCDOT in conjunction with NCSU would be worthy of implementation in Australia.

The IVMP Project is currently exploring a number of these innovations, with the support of both North Carolina State University (NCSU) researchers and the NCDOT’ Roadside Environmental Unit.

The pdf version of the latest IVMP Newsletter is available here