Monday, April 20, 2009

Dr Fred Yelverton to visit Australia

The IVMP Project is pleased to advise that Dr Fred Yelverton will be visiting us from August 18th through to 25th August, 2009.

Dr Yelverton is a noted turfgrass weed expert and lecturer from North Carolina State University in the United States. Dr Yelverton has been a principal researcher on a number of projects in the United States exploring seed head supression, new herbicides (such as the sulfonylureas), Vegetation Management Under Guardrails, Low Maintenance Turfgrass and Management Systems to name but a few.

Dr Yelverton has provided the IVMP project with an invaluable link with the US, where significant trial data information is available. This trial data is being reviewed and where potential has been identified for Australia, the trial work is being replicated as part of the IVMP project.

Dr Yelverton will visit both Queensland and NSW for meetings with Project Partners and the Project Technical Team. Dr Yelverton will also conduct Education Forums with industry groups in both States.

If you would like to find out more keep an eye on the website or contact us